EZ Exporter Update: Returns Information Now Available in Shopify Order Exports

We've just pushed an update to EZ Exporter which allows for returns information to be included in Shopify order data exports.

This allows you to generate a CSV or Excel report including the names of the returns, the return status, returned quantity by line item, and the return reason.

Under the "Fields" section of the Data Settings, you can now select the following fields:

Order Level

returns.name Returns Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of return names for returns associated with this order.
returns.status Returns Status (type: text). A comma-separated list of return status for returns associated with this order. Valid values:
  • CANCELED: The return has been canceled.
  • CLOSED: The return has been completed.
  • DECLINED: The return was declined.
  • OPEN: The return is in progress.
  • REQUESTED: The return was requested.

Lineitem Level

line_items.returns.name Lineitem Returns Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of return names for returns that include this line item.
line_items.returns.quantity Lineitem Returns Quantities (type: text). A comma-separated list of returned quantities for this line item.
line_items.returns.return_reason Lineitem Returns Reasons (type: text). A comma-separated list of return reasons for this line item. Valid values:
  • COLOR: The item is returned because the buyer did not like the color.
  • DEFECTIVE: The item is returned because it is damaged or defective.
  • NOT_AS_DESCRIBED: The item is returned because it was not as described.
  • OTHER: The item is returned for another reason. For this value, a return reason note is also provided.
  • SIZE_TOO_LARGE: The item is returned because the size was too large.
  • SIZE_TOO_SMALL: The item is returned because the size was too small.
  • STYLE: The item is returned because the buyer did not like the style.
  • UNKNOWN: The item is returned because of an unknown reason.
  • UNWANTED: The item is returned because the customer changed their mind.
  • WRONG_ITEM: The item is returned because the customer received the wrong one.
line_items.returns.return_reason_note Lineitem Returns Reason Notes (type: text). Additional information about the reason for the return.
line_items.returns.status Lineitem Returns Status (type: text). A comma-separated list of return status for returns that include this line item. Valid values:
  • CANCELED: The return has been canceled.
  • CLOSED: The return has been completed.
  • DECLINED: The return was declined.
  • OPEN: The return is in progress.
  • REQUESTED: The return was requested.

Most of these fields are also available in the "Custom Filters" section, so you can create a report only for orders with returns, or even go more granular and only include the specific line items returned for each order.

We've also added a template called "Orders with Returns (Last 30 Days)" to help get you started and can be customized further.

Here's a sample output showing returns information for each line item:

And here's what's shown in the Shopify Admin:

Tags: new features, ez exporter, shopify orders, shopify returns