Generating a Google Shopping Feed From Your Shopify Data
These last couple of weeks, we've gotten requests from some of our customers to help them set up a Google Shopping product data feed using our EZ Exporter app. I guess it makes sense as it's now the holiday shopping season and Shopify merchants are looking for ways to increase their revenue.
It's actually not as simple as it may seem as some fields have very specific requirements in the format and it's not always obvious which field in the Google Shopping data feed should map to which Shopify field.
Luckily, our app is very flexible and can handle the requirements. There are certain field mappings that require conditional expressions which our app supports as well.
Below is a quick reference on which Shopify field should map to which Google Shopping field. Do note, however, that depending on the store, the mapping may be slightly different. For instance, some requirements differ based on the type of product. With that said, the list below will probably cover the majority of the use cases.
Google Shopping Field -> Shopify Field
- id -> Variant SKU
- title -> Product Title - Variant Title
- description -> Body HTML
- link -{{handle}}?variant={{variant_id}}
- image_link -> Product or Variant image URL
- availability -> "in stock" if Variant Inventory Qty is greater than 0, "out of stock" otherwise
- price -> Variant Price (or Variant Compare At price if it exists)
- sale_price -> Variant Price if Variant Compare At price exists, empty value otherwise
- product_type -> Product Type
- brand -> Vendor
- gtin -> Variant Barcode
- mpn -> Variant SKU
- condition -> Usually "new" (other valid values are "refurbished" and "used")
Most of the above fields are required. Some fields are required only based on certain conditions. For a detailed explanation of each Google Shopping field, see Google's Product Data Specification. Also note that according to Google's documentation, the file format should be a tab-delimited .txt file (all popular spreadsheet applications support exporting data into this format).
In EZ Exporter, we've even created a built-in starter template to help our customers get started quickly. The template already has all these Shopify field combinations and conditional logic configured to save our customers time from having to figure them out themselves.
Hope this article helps you with generating a Google Shopping Feed for your Shopify store. If you only need to do this once, we also offer a free trial of our app so feel free to install it to help generate your feed. Then just uninstall it before the trial period ends when you're done and you won't get charged. :)
Tags: shopify, howto, ecommerce, google shopping