Importing Historical Orders to Shopify

EZ Importer now supports historical orders! This feature is especially useful for people migrating from another platform. If you are still thinking about signing up for Shopify, click here to check out the benefits.

When importing orders with EZ Importer you can now set the "processed_at" date for orders that you've processed in the past. This field allows you to set the date and time the order was imported. This value can be set to any date in the past. After the order is imported Shopify will add the order to your sales/revenue for the date you provided.

When importing orders you may also want to close or archive the order. You can do this with EZ Importer by setting the "closed_at" date. This field allows you to set the date and time the order was closed. Both the "processed_at" and "closed_at" fields can be set on the "Order Details" section of the Data Mappings.

If you do not provide a time for the "processed_at" or "closed_at" field EZ Importer will set the time to 12:00AM on the date provided. If you are comfortable with the ISO 8601 format you can also provide a UTC offset. If you do not provide the UTC offset EZ Importer will use your shops timezone when sending the date and time to shopify.

We hope you find importing historical orders with EZ Importer useful. As always, if you see ways we can improve historical order importing we'd love to from you!

Tags: new features, shopify, csv import, ez importer, historical orders