Slacky Is Now EZ Notify
We're excited to announce that after 2 years we've update the Slacky identity. This includes a new name and logo. You'll see our new name and logo everywhere you used to see the Slacky name. Slacky will now be called, EZ Notify.
We've made this change for a few reasons. We recently had our app approved by Slack, which means it's now officially in the Slack app store. In order to ensure our app is approved, we need to abide by their branding guidelines, which means the app can not have the name Slack in it.
The other reason we've decided to make the change is we're putting a lot of focus on the app this coming year. You may have noticed we released a re-design of the app itself. We're also working on a set of premium features that will help you customize the messages sent to your Slack channel, more notifications, a way to filter which messages you want to send to Slack, additional slash commands and much more.
It's been an exciting few years sending notifications to Slack. At the time of this writing EZ Notify has processed more than 3.6 million events in Slack. We're excited for the future and hope you are too.
If you're curious about EZ Notify, what the future holds or just love the app feel free to reach out and let us know.