Update Fulfilled Orders With EZ Fulfill

When automatically fulfilling orders in Shopify you may need to update or replace your tracking numbers on orders that are fulfilled.  As of today, this is now possible with EZ Fulfill.  EZ Fulfill allows you to quickly and automatically mass fulfill your Shopify orders even if they are already marked fulfilled.

By default, we have this feature disabled as overwriting or updating an existing fulfillment can be dangerous.  This will help prevent orders from being updated by mistake.  To enable this feature go to the data feed you plan on using for your fulfillment and click either the update fulfillment or overwrite fulfillment option in the Update Fulfilled & Partially Fulfilled Configuration section.

Once you've selected to update or overwrite your fulfillments, just click save.  You'll now be able to update fulfilled orders!

Update Your Fulfillments

When selecting the Update Fulfilled & Partially Fulfilled Orders option, this will tell EZ Fulfill to update any orders that are marked fulfilled without any tracking numbers  This works for fulfilling orders by the order or by SKU.  If the order has multiple fulfillments, the first fulfillment found without tracking numbers will be updated.  EZ Fulfill looks for fulfillments by the date they were created.

Overwrite Your Fulfillments

There are situations where you may want overwrite existing tracking numbers on your fulfillment.  If this is the case, you'll want to select the Overwrite Fulfilled Tracking Numbers option.  Do note that this option is inclusive of the Update Fulfilled & Partially Fulfilled Orders option, meaning if an order with no tracking numbers is found EZ Fulfill will update that order.  If all fulfillments on your order have tracking numbers, than the first fulfillment with tracking numbers found will be overwritten.  EZ Fulfill also looks over the fulfillments by the date they were created.


This feature does have some edge-cases and can get a little complicated when working with SKU and quantity.  We recommend you read our full documentation on the feature before you start using it.  As always, run tests on a few orders before enabling this feature or automating your fulfillments.  If you have any questions about the feature, feel free to let us know!

Tags: new features, shopify, fulfillment, ez fulfill