Canceling Your Import

EZ Importer now lets you cancel running imports!

After you start your import, EZ Importer puts your import in what we call the running state. You know your import is in the running state when the status field on the Review Import page is marked running. You'll also see the Import Progress bar.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see a light blue button that says Cancel Import. From here you can click the Cancel Import button which will bring you to the confirmation page. Click the Yes, I'm sure button on the confirmation page to cancel your running import.

After the import is canceled, you can still delete any imported orders. To get an in-depth understanding about this feature check out our knowledge base article here.

This feature was long overdue and is something we think will be extremely valuable. Especially for users who are importing large orders. If you have any other questions about the feature or how it works please feel free to contact us.

Tags: new features, shopify, ez importer, csv