EZ Exporter: Advanced Date and Time Filters Now Available

We've just pushed an update to EZ Exporter giving our users the ability to filter their reports by multiple date and time fields.

Filtering by date and time is a bit tricky as we have to factor in different date/time formats and timezones. For example, some countries use the format month/day/year (like the US) and others day/month/year (like the UK). To get around this, we had to require our users to enter the date/time in the standard ISO 8601 format to ensure that the date calculations are accurate. For the timezone, we handle it automatically on the backend by using the store's timezone setting.

We've also included a special keyword, {{ current_date }}, which can be used for automated reporting.

Note that by default, {{ current_date }} will have the time 00:00:00. If you need to filter by a specific time you can append the time to it like this:

{{ current_date }}T11:59:59

You can also add and subtract days to {{ current_date }}, for example:

Subtract 1 day.

{{ current_date }} - 1

Subtract 7 days.

{{ current_date }}T11:59:59 - 7

If you need to hardcode dates in the filter, just make sure it's in ISO 8601 format.


Some Examples

I want to filter my Product export to only include the variants that were updated yesterday.

Data matching all of the following conditions:

  • Variant Updated At is greater than {{ current_date }} - 1
  • Variant Updated At is less than {{ current_date }}

(Note here that the time by default is 00:00:00.)

I want to filter my Order export to only include orders that were placed between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM today.

Data matching all of the following conditions:

  • Created At is greater than {{ current_date }}T09:00
  • Created At is is less than {{ current_date }}T16:30

I want to filter my Customer export to only include customers that were updated in the last 14 days.

Data matching all of the following conditions:

  • Updated At is greater than {{ current_date }} - 14

These are just a few examples and there are probably many more use cases for it. If you have a use case you'd like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below. :)

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Tags: new features, shopify, csv export, ez exporter, reporting