EZ Exporter Now Supports Advanced Custom Filters

We released our latest app, EZ Exporter, to beta a couple of weeks ago and we've already gotten some really great feedback from our initial users. We've received a bunch of feature requests and have been working on them and already released a few.

One of the bigger improvements we've made is supporting a more advanced data filtering. With this new release, our users can now select additional fields to filter, specify the filter condition, and their custom value for that condition. This allows the possibility of creating many different custom reports for very specific needs.

Here's one example of how this can be used.

I want to create a report of orders placed by VIP customers that are shipping outside of Canada where the total amount is over 1000.

In EZ Exporter, you simply set something like this:

Data matching all of the following conditions:

  • Shipping Country is not Canada
  • Customer Tags contains vip
  • Total is greater than 1000

Another example.

I want to create a report of only the orders shipping to US, Canada, or Mexico.

In EZ Exporter, set these filters:

Data matching any of the following conditions:

  • Shipping Country Code is US
  • Shipping Country Code is CA
  • Shipping Country Code is MX

Here's the full list of conditions you can use:

  • is
  • is not
  • contains
  • not contains
  • starts with
  • ends with
  • is greater than
  • is less than

As you can see, these conditions give you the flexibility to create very customized reports to fit your needs. You can save these in their own data settings and assign them to different export profiles. This way, you can quickly run them on demand or on a schedule.

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Tags: new features, shopify, csv export, ez exporter, reporting