EZ Exporter: Custom Fields and Calculated Fields

We're happy to announce that our Shopify order export app, EZ Exporter, now supports Custom Fields and Calculated Fields!

We're really hoping these new features will save our customers even more time by eliminating the need to do additional manual processing of the exported CSV file and by giving them more flexibility to create very customized reports to help with their processes.

What are "Custom Fields"?

As the name suggests, Custom Fields gives you the ability to create your own fields to be included in the report. You can use a static value here, such as, "Please ship before 2/30." or by a using a combination of static values and those derived from other fields.

Let's look at a couple of examples.

Example 1

I want a custom field for an "Alternate Product Title" that includes the product SKU and the order name.

In this case, simply reference the field names you'd like to include in the field value, enclosed with double curly braces ("{{ field_name }}"):

{{ line_items.title }} (SKU: {{ line_items.sku }}) - Order {{ name }}

This will product a value that looks something like this: Stretchy Blue Jeans (SKU: BLJE1234) - Order #1203

Example 2

I want a field called "Product Admin URL", so I can quickly double check the product being shipped with my Shopify store.

You can use something like this in the Value field:

https://mystore.myshopify.com/admin/products/{{ line_items.product_id }}

This will result in something like: https://mystore.myshopify.com/admin/products/95622159

To learn more about this feature, please see our documentation.

What are "Calculated Fields"?

Wouldn't it be nice if you can create a dynamic field directly from EZ Exporter where you can specify a formula and our servers will handle all the calculations for you?

You can do exactly that with Calculated Fields!

Not only can you use arithmetic operations in the formula, but text operations and conditional expressions as well.

Let's look at some examples.

Example 1 - Arithmetic operations

I want an additional column that will give me the order's total weight in pounds as the default weight is in grams and my fulfillment center uses imperial units.

Use this formula:

{{ total_weight }} * 0.0022046
I want an additional column showing the order's total_price with 40% off before taxes.

Use this formula:

 ({{ total_price }} - {{ total_tax }}) * 0.60

Example 2 - Text Operations

I want an additional field for the shipping address' phone number without the dashes.

Use this formula:

{{ shipping_address.phone }}.replace("-", "")
I want an additional field for the SKUs, but I want them to be all in capital letters.

Use this formula:

{{ line_items.sku }}.upper()

Example 3 - Conditional Expressions

With conditional expressions, you can include logic in your formula.

I want to categorize my orders based on total price.

Use this formula:

"High" if {{ total_price }} >= 1000 else "Medium" if {{ total_price }} >= 100 else "Low"

This will assign the value "High" if the order's total_price is greater than or equal to 1000, "Medium" between 100-1000, and "Low" if below 100.

I want an additional field for the destination's region.

Use this formula:

"North America" if {{ shipping_address.country_code }} in "US, CA, MX" else "Other"

If the shipping address' country code is US, CA, or MX, assign the value "North America", otherwise, use "Other".

As you can see, you can do a lot with Calculated Fields. For more detailed explanation with more examples, please see our documentation.

While these new features are quite powerful, they could get pretty complex as well. If you have any questions or a use case where you're not sure how implement, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll try to help you as much as we can.

Tags: new features, shopify, csv export, ez exporter, reporting